Glasgow Short Film Festival 2022

View other Glasgow Short Film Festival Films by strand: Bill Douglas Award 1: Bids for Connection , Bill Douglas Award 2: Flesh of My Flesh , Bill Douglas Award 3: The Traces We Leave , Bill Douglas Award 4: Clocking On , Bill Douglas Award 5: Crackdown Aesthetics , Bill Douglas Award 6: Ground Loops , Eco-spectrality: Residual Fabulations , Eco-spectrality: Tentacular Frequencies , EFA Shorts 1 , EFA Shorts 2 , Family Shorts 2 , For Shorts And Giggles , Galas , Scared Shortless , Scottish Competition 1: Tiny Changes , Scottish Competition 2: Branches , Scottish Competition 3: A Different Sphere , Techno-Fix: By Extension , Techno-Fix: Obscured Connections , The End , You've Been Telt: Scottish Film Stories , Young Scottish Filmmaker Prize 1 , Young Scottish Filmmaker Prize 2

Infectious Nihilism And Small Metallic Pieces Of Hope Infectious Nihilism And Small Metallic Pieces Of Hope
Infectious Nihilism And Small Metallic Pieces Of Hope and Prosopagnosia
The Black Watch (Country: UK; Year: 2021; Director: Cameron Cobb)
In the final days of the Second World War, two young Scottish soldiers stumble across an injured German fighter.
Dive (Country: UK; Year: 2021; Director: Oscar Sansom)
Quirky choreography paired with striking visuals inspired by French artist Yves Klein and what has become the world’s most famous shade of blue.
Groom (Country: UK; Year: 2022; Director: Leyla Coll-O'Reilly; Writer: Leyla Coll-O'Reilly; Stars: Michelle Donnelly, Mollie Milne, Sharon Young)
School leaver Hannah must navigate a hypersexualised beauty salon and controlling boss in order to turn her life around.
If You Get The Knees Right The Rest Will Follow (Country: UK; Year: 2020; Director: Holly Mclean)
Alice surfs, raises twins and renovates a rotten caravan, while battling depression.
Infectious Nihilism And Small Metallic Pieces Of Hope (Country: UK; Year: 2021; Director: James Price; Writer: Graeme Armstrong, James Price; Stars: Graeme Armstrong, Ciara Carberry, Kyle Gordon, Conor McCarron, Ashley Sutherland)
An impressionable youngster is thrust into a dangerous and adult world when he is initiated into a gang made up of older locals.
Prosopagnosia (Country: UK; Year: 2021; Director: Steven Fraser)
Exploration of face-blindness.

59th New York Film Festival early bird highlights Futura, Jane By Charlotte, James Baldwin: From Another Place and The Velvet Underground

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