This international festival aims to galvanise audiences through fiction and factual films to challenge injustices across the globe. The New York dates are June 13-20.

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Human Rights Latest Reviews

In Search...
In Search...
Documentary about the lasting trauma of female genital mutilation and the filmmaker's reconstructive journey.
Accept The Call
Accept The Call
A look at the forces that drive radicalisation through the prism of a single father and son relationship.
On The President's Orders
On The President's Orders
Expose of Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte's single-minded war on drugs.
When We Walk
When We Walk
The challenges faced by filmmaker DaSilva, who was diagnosed with a rapidly progressing form of multiple sclerosis and who finds himself 'trapped' by the US medicaid system.
Born In Evin
Born In Evin
The story of the family of director and actor Maryam Zaree, who sets out to investigate the circumstances of her birth in one of the world’s most notorious jails for political prisoners.
Biographical documentary about Lea Tsemel who defends Palestinians: from feminists to fundamentalists, from non-violent demonstrators to armed militants.
Bellingcat: Truth In A Post-Truth World
Bellingcat: Truth In A Post-Truth World
Looking at open-source investigation and the world of the 'citizen investigative journalist' collective Bellingcat.
No Box For Me. An Intersex Story
No Box For Me. An Intersex Story
A burgeoning movement aims to demystify intersex identities and stop the practice of forced surgical interventions.
One Child Nation
One Child Nation
After becoming a mother, a filmmaker uncovers the untold history of China’s one-child policy and the generations of parents and children forever shaped by this social experiment.

59th New York Film Festival early bird highlights Futura, Jane By Charlotte, James Baldwin: From Another Place and The Velvet Underground

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