American Ultra (2015)
A secret agent undercover as a drug user is marked for extermination but proves too hardcore and too high to handle.
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
Ron Stallworth, an African-American police officer from Colorado, successfully managed to infiltrate the local Ku Klux Klan and became the head of the local chapter.
Flight Risk (2025)
A pilot transports an air marshal accompanying a fugitive to trial. As they cross the Alaskan wilderness, tensions soar and trust is tested, as not everyone on board is who they seem.
Heretic (2024)
Two young religious women are drawn into a game of cat-and-mouse in the house of a strange man.
Interstellar (2014)
Humanity's last hope lies in a journey into space.
In Good Company (2004)
Ageist comedy of office politics and father/daughter issues.
Predators (2010)
Parachuted down into an unfamiliar jungle, a group of strangers realise they're being hunted for sport.
P.S. (2004)
Surprisingly intense romantic drama following a 39-year-old and her battle with past secrets that resurface when she gets herself a toy-boy.
Robot Chicken: Season One (2005)
Pop-culture savvy sketch show from over the Pond.
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Spider-Man fights three villains, and himself.
Take Me Home Tonight (2011)
As the summer of 1988 winds down, three friends on the verge of adulthood attend an out-of-control party in celebration of their last night of unbridled youth.
Under The Silver Lake (2018)
A man becomes obsessed with the strange circumstances of a billionaire mogul's murder and the kidnapping of a girl.
Valentine's Day (2010)
An ensemble drama looks at how different individuals and couples cope with the pressure of Valentine's Day.

Looking forward to Berlinale 2025 We anticipate some gems as the festival celebrates its diamond anniversary

Through the lens Moritz Binder on journalism under pressure and September 5

Caught up in conflict Hayder Rothschild Hoozeer and Franz Böhm on the war in Ukraine and Rock, Paper, Scissors

Finding a way forwards Kim A Snyder and Sam Fuentes on school shootings and Death By Numbers

A film about family Hossein Molayemi and Shirin Sohani on In The Shadow Of The Cypress

Anora is the Critics' Choice Surprise winners point to an interesting race ahead

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