127 Hours (2010)
The truer story of Aron Ralston, a climber who had to resort to desperate measures when trapped by a boulder.
The Adderall Diaries (2015)
A blocked writer with a difficult personal life becomes obsesssed by a real-life murder trial.
The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs (2018)
An anthology of short films based on a fictional book of “western tales”.
City By The Sea (2002)
Robert De Niro plays a Long Island cop investigating a murder in which his son is prime suspect.
The Company (2003)
Robert Altman follows a Chicago ballet company as it prepares for a major show.
Date Night (2010)
A married couple's plan to hit the town goes badly awry.
The Disaster Artist (2017)
The story of the making of the 'Citizen Kane of bad movies', The Room.
Flyboys (2006)
In World War One, a group of Americans volunteers to fly with a French squadron.
A Fuller Life (2013)
Tribute to maverick American filmmaker Samuel Fuller.
Homefront (2013)
An undercover cop takes cover in Florida to avoid the vengeance of the Mafia drugs cartel he helped put inside.
Howl (2010)
The story of Allen Ginsberg’s ground-breaking poem is told through a mixture of reconstruction and animation.
In The Valley Of Elah (2007)
A former soldier investigates the disappearance of his son, who has just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq.
Interior. Leather Bar. (2013)
An attempt to recreate 40 minutes of gay bdsm-focused footage cut from William Friedkin's 1980 crime thriller Cruising.
I Am Michael (2015)
The controversial true story of a gay activist who rejects his homosexuality and becomes a Christian pastor.
The Little Prince (2015)
A girl's life is transformed when she learns the story of a pilot who once crashed in the desert and met a little boy from a distant planet.
Lovelace (2013)
The story of Deep Throat star Linda Lovelace.
Milk (2008)
The story of groundbreaking gay politician Harvey Milk and his assassination.
Oz The Great And Powerful (2013)
When a stage magician finds himself magically transported to the land of Oz he must work hard to convince three dubious witches of his talents and save the troubled kingdom.
Pineapple Express (2008)
Stoner comedy about a dude and his dealer on the run.
Palo Alto (2013)
Snapshot of teenage angst.
Pretenders (2018)
A love triangle involving a photographer, a director and an actress.
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011)
Man's experimentation on apes sparks a war for supremacy.
Sausage Party (2016)
A sausage tries to find meaning in the world as well as carnal knowledge.
Spider-Man (2002)
Bitten by a spider in a museum, a shy youth begins to develop strange abilities.
Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Spidey reluctantly returns to save New York from a mad scientist.
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Spider-Man fights three villains, and himself.
Spring Breakers (2012)
Four college students form an unlikely allegiance with a drug dealer.
This Is The End (2013)
A group of celebrities attending a party at James Franco's house are suddenly confronted with the Apocalypse.
True Story (2015)
A disgraced reporter gets involved in a cat and mouse game with an accused killer.
Tristan & Isolde (2006)
A Dark Ages take on Romeo and Juliet, with naked nursing and energetic swordplay
Why Him? (2016)
A dad forms a rivalry with his daughter's boyfriend.
Your Highness (2011)
A reluctant knight accompanies his brother on a quest to save the latter's fiancee, who has been kidnapped by an evil warlock.

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