Bridging the Gap calls for applications

Documentary filmmakers asked for proposals on the theme 'red'

by Amber Wilkinson

Nae Pasaran
Nae Pasaran

The Scottish Documentary Institute's Bridging the Gap initiative issued its call for proposals this year.

The scheme, which is aimed at emerging documentary filmmakers and is now in its 16th year, has selected the theme "red" for this year's entries.

Up to five 10-minute projects will be commissioned with the possibility of a cash budget of £8,000 each (plus in-kind production and distribution support) and further hands-on training, right the way through the editing period. The films are geared for distribution in cinemas and festivals.

The closing date for applications is midnight on Sunday 23 September and the commissioned films will premiere at Edinburgh International Film Festival next June.

In order to support the call, there will be a number of inspiration workshops taking place in Glasgow, Belfast and Edinburgh. These workshops will explain the aims of the scheme and will provide tips on how to improve your chances of being selected, with an opportunity to pitch and receive feedback.

Previous projects chosen include Breadmakers, which went on to screen at Sundance and Nae Pasaran, which has gone on to be expanded into a feature.

Further information can be found on the Bridging the Gap website.

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