Alien Quadrilogy (1979)
Nine-disc DVD offers two versions of each of the four Alien sc-fi fright flicks, with bonus extras.
Amelie (2001)
A girl with an eccentric, repressed childhood grows up attracted to the odd detail in everyday life and to the strangest people.
The City Of Lost Children (1995)
A fairground strongman searches for his brother in a grotesque world of artificial intelligence.
Delicatessen (1990)
In a post-holocaust world, a butcher and landlord feeds his customers on the flesh of unfortunate tenants.
Micmacs (2009)
Satire on the arms trade, tracking one man's plan to blow up arms manufacturers.
T.S. Spivet (2013)
A young scientist secretly leaves his family's ranch to travel across the country to receive a prize.
A Very Long Engagement (2004)
A woman, refuses to believe her fiancé has been killed on the battlefield and goes in search of him.

All the buzz Sander Maran and Peeter Maran on Chainsaws Were Singing

A wicked experience Daniel Kokotajlo on British folk horror and Starve Acre

Her inner life Nanette Burstein on Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes

A little bit of life Tatiana Huezo on capturing the moment in The Echo

Her own anchor Haley Bennett and Thomas Napper on Widow Clicquot

Under gaslight Tatjana Anders on identifying toxic relationships and making Your Reality

Blitz to close New York Film Festival Steve McQueen delighted to be back

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