Beneath The Valley Of The Ultra-Vixens


Reviewed by: Donald Munro

Beneath The Valley Of The Ultra-Vixens
"50 attempts at shark jumping sexplotation and a main plot that consists of three puerile jokes."

Beneath The Valley Of The Ultra-Vixens is the third film in Russ Meyere's Vixens trilogy. It was the last of his films to have a cinematic release. It is also the worst film he ever made. The film is an unfortunate parody of his previous work. After 93 minutes you'll have seen 50 attempts at shark jumping sexplotation and a main plot that consists of three puerile jokes.

Elements of his other films can be scene in Ultra-Vixens: the red that was a motif for sex is now splatted everywhere and serves no function; the bare wire frame of a mattress is seen 50 odd times in cutaway. Meyer's filmmaking style was characterised by static shot and cutaway. He was a master of the hard cut. The one between Roxanne (Erica Gavin) and the Kelly Affair's singer Casey Anderson (Cynthia Myers) at the start of Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls is one of the best in cinema. Here the cutaway technique is pushed beyond any artistic usefulness. Ten seconds of sex, cutaway two seconds closeup of nipple, cutaway three seconds of bedposts castor, cutaway two seconds of pubic hair, cutaway three seconds of sex seen through the bare bed springs, cutaway labia, cutaway, cutaway, cutaway. Ten seconds of sex in a new position, cutaway 90 minutes of boredom.

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With so little time to develop character the actors couldn't play anything other than two dimensional cartoons, even if they were directed to. Without personality they are just caricatures made out of flesh, the most unerotic thing ever.

The chaotic mess is strung together by Stuart Lancaster's narration. At first it seams like the voiceover is a comment on small town American's prudish hypocrisy but it soon becomes apparent that it is meaningless drivel between the changes of scene.

Some might say parody and cartoonisness was the point of Beneath The Valley Of The Ultra-Vixens, but if that's the case then it's a shit cartoon.

Reviewed on: 27 Jan 2025
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Beneath The Valley Of The Ultra-Vixens packshot
Believe it or not, even Smalltown USA still has people who are unfulfilled and unrelieved in the midst of plenty.

Director: Russ Meyer

Writer: Roger Ebert, Russ Meyer

Starring: Kitten Natividad, Ann Marie, Ken Kerr, June Mack, Patrick Wright

Year: 1979

Runtime: 93 minutes

Country: US


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