Eye For Film >> Movies >> Willdrill (2002) Film Review
I really wanted to like this short. It began in grainy sepia, with a soundtrack reminiscent of the era of silent cinema.
Sadly, as your mum will tell you, looks aren't everything and good first impressions were quickly swept aside by the disjointed surreal script, which tries, unsuccessfully, to use shock tactics to impress its viewers.
There is no narrative here but what story there is involves a chef on a bike, a Victorian version of The Elephant Man, a couple of undertakers and two (very badly American accented) snipers.
Paul Graham and Derek Munn do their best as the undertakers but are let down by the script. "Bit slow this morning," says one. Never was a truer word spoken in jest.
Reviewed on: 31 May 2006Share this with others on...