Bionic Woman: Season One (2007)
A barmaid saved by high-tech medical implants adapts to a new role as part of a shady goverment organisation.
Die Another Day (2002)
Pierce Brosnan as 007 and Halle Berry as the bird in the wetsuit fight North Korean face changers.
Elektra (2005)
Resurrected superheroine fights X-Men clones with the power of slow motion and baby swords.
Rogue Warfare: Death Of A Nation (2020)
The Black Mask Organisation coordinates a twisted plot which will devastate the world within the next 36 hours.
San Andreas (2015)
A rescue pilot tries to save his family in the aftermath of a gigantic earthquake.
Torque (2004)
A two-wheel adrenaline rush, with raging testosterone, tight leathers and CGI.
Total Recall (2012)
Uncertain memories lead a man to question his identity in this remake of the 1990 science fiction thriller.
The Wolverine (2013)
Summoned to Japan by an old acquaintance, Wolverine becomes embroiled in a conflict that forces him to confront his own demons.

Hopping from stage to screen The Tasting director Ivan Caldérac on making a bid for posterity after a theatre hit

Making memories Dani Feixas-Roka on depicting Alzheimer's disease in Paris 70

A guilty man Smriti Mundhra and Maya Gnyp discuss I Am Ready, Warden

Retro out of the box Tarsem Singh on challenging American sensibilities and his operatic vision for The Cell

Letting go Barbara Sukowa on We’re Not Done Yet, White Noise and the upcoming Leibniz film

HippFest announces 15th edition line-up Highlights include Sámi live score for reindeer silent and Mary Pickford starrer

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