The Last Ones (2020)
A struggling mine owner supplies his workers with drugs so they'll forget a tough existence. Nearby, a small community of reindeer breeders also struggles.
A Man's Job (2007)
An out-of-work father tries his hand at male prostitution to keep supporting his family.
The Other Side Of Hope (2017)
A middle-aged restaurateur befriends a young refugee.
The Purge (2012)
An elderly woman gives shelter to a younger one but they are haunted by their past.
Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010)
A mysterious excavation awakens something sinister in the vicinity of an isolated northern Finnish settlement.

Caught up in conflict Hayder Rothschild Hoozeer and Franz Böhm on the war in Ukraine and Rock, Paper, Scissors

Finding a way forwards Kim A Snyder and Sam Fuentes on school shootings and Death By Numbers

A film about family Hossein Molayemi and Shirin Sohani on In The Shadow Of The Cypress

Community, laughter and losing control Nancy Webb, Mariel Sharp and Kaye Adelaide on making The Rebrand

Hopping from stage to screen The Tasting director Ivan Caldérac on making a bid for posterity after a theatre hit

Anora is the Critics' Choice Surprise winners point to an interesting race ahead

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