Driving Lessons (2006)
A repressed young man discovers the world with the help of an eccentric actress.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part I (2010)
As the forces of evil take over the wizarding community, Harry and his friends are forced to go on the run – and hunt down the magical items that could allow Voldemort to be destroyed.
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire (2005)
It's darker now and Voldemort is close. Can Harry triumph at the Tri-wizard Tournament and save the world?
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince (2009)
This long-delayed movie about Harry's sixth form year reveals secrets about Lord Voldemort's fractured soul.
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007)
Harry Potter and friends find themselves in trouble as a mysterious stranger seizes power at Hogwarts.
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)
Harry enters the second year at Hogwarts... and it's even more perilous than the first.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
The teenage wizard has his final showdown with Voldemort.
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)
Harry returns to Hogwarts to find he is being pursued by the escaped murderer Sirius Black.
Knock At The Cabin (2023)
While vacationing, a girl and her parents are taken hostage by armed strangers who demand that the family make a choice to avert the apocalypse.
Postman Pat: The Movie (2014)
Beloved cartoon country postman enters TV reality talent contest
Thunderpants (2002)
An 11-year-old English schoolboy blows farts that can fuel an American moon rocket.

Caught up in conflict Hayder Rothschild Hoozeer and Franz Böhm on the war in Ukraine and Rock, Paper, Scissors

Finding a way forwards Kim A Snyder and Sam Fuentes on school shootings and Death By Numbers

A film about family Hossein Molayemi and Shirin Sohani on In The Shadow Of The Cypress

Community, laughter and losing control Nancy Webb, Mariel Sharp and Kaye Adelaide on making The Rebrand

Hopping from stage to screen The Tasting director Ivan Caldérac on making a bid for posterity after a theatre hit

Anora is the Critics' Choice Surprise winners point to an interesting race ahead

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