Big (1988)
A 13-year-old boy makes a wish at a fairground and becomes a man overnight.
Independence Day (1996)
Alien invasion of earth demands action from the White House and a thousand heart-tugging human stories.
Nurses On The Line (1993)
Student nurses in dramatic plane crash rescue in Mexican jungle.
Return To Me (2000)
Romance beckons between a widower and the woman who received his wife's heart.
Scarface (1983)
A migrant Cuban thug attempts to claw his way to the top of the drugs trade in Florida.
Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012)
After two guys are given a billion dollars to make a movie, their Hollywood dreams run off course and they decide to rehabilitate a run-down shopping mall in an attempt to make the money back.

Hopping from stage to screen The Tasting director Ivan Caldérac on making a bid for posterity after a theatre hit

Making memories Dani Feixas-Roka on depicting Alzheimer's disease in Paris 70

A guilty man Smriti Mundhra and Maya Gnyp discuss I Am Ready, Warden

Retro out of the box Tarsem Singh on challenging American sensibilities and his operatic vision for The Cell

Letting go Barbara Sukowa on We’re Not Done Yet, White Noise and the upcoming Leibniz film

HippFest announces 15th edition line-up Highlights include Sámi live score for reindeer silent and Mary Pickford starrer

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