An Education (2009)
A 16-year-old - and her family - are swept off their feet by a debonair older man.
The Batman (2022)
When sadistic serial killer the Riddler, begins murdering key political figures in Gotham, Batman is forced to investigate the city's hidden corruption and question his family's involvement.
Boys Don't Cry (1999)
The story of a transgender teen.
Black Mass (2015)
The true story of violent criminal turned FBI informant Whitey Bulger in Boston.
Coup! (2023)
Sheltering from the 1918 Spanish Flu at their seaside estate, a progressive journalist and his socialite wife take in a mysterious grifter as a private cook... and soon find themselves facing mutiny.
The Centre Of The World (2001)
A man pays a stripper to spend three days with him so that he can get to know her better.
Elegy (2008)
A college lecturer becomes obsessed by the student with whom he is having an affair.
Experimenter (2015)
A drama about the life of Stanley Milgram and his famous experiments on obedience.
Flightplan (2005)
Has Jodie lost her mind, or her daughter, on the long haul flight?
Green Lantern (2011)
A fighter pilot is called upon by a league of intergalactic defenders to help them fight evil through the use of a powerful ring.
Human Capital (2019)
The lives of two different families collide when their children begin a relationship that leads to a tragic accident.
In The Electric Mist (2009)
A detective probing a series of murders begins to suspect they are linked to a previous case.
Jarhead (2005)
Waiting for war, with Albert Camus, in Operation Desert Shield.
Jackie (2016)
A portrait of the famous First Lady after the death of her husband.
Kinsey (2004)
The life and ideas of a scientist who believed in sexual healing.
Knight And Day (2010)
A car mechanic finds herself on the run with an AWOL Superspy.
The Lost Daughter (2021)
A holidaying professor finds an encounter with another family triggers memories of motherhood from her past
Lovelace (2013)
The story of Deep Throat star Linda Lovelace.
The Magnificent Seven (2016)
Seven gunmen team up to help save a village from an evil mining boss.
Night Moves (2013)
Three people plot an act of eco-terrorism.
Orphan (2009)
She was meant to complete their family; she may destroy it.
Rendition (2007)
After a man is disappeared by the government, his wife fights to save him and a CIA analyst questions the morality of his job.
The Skeleton Key (2005)
Spooky goings on in an old house with old people (and Kate Hudson) in Louisiana.
September 5 (2024)
Set during the 1972 Munich Olympics, the film follows an American Sports broadcasting team that quickly adapted from sports reporting to live coverage of the Israeli athletes taken hostage.
The Sound Of Silence (2019)
A successful "house tuner" in New York City, who calibrates the sound in people's homes in order to adjust their moods, meets a client with a problem he can't solve.
Year Of The Dog (2007)
Offbeat fairytale about a woman who tries to fill a void in her life after her dog dies.

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