The Invader (2011)
A immigrant struggling to fit into Belgian society becomes obsessed with a beautiful woman.
JCVD (2008)
The Muscles from Brussels thrusts his personal life into the spotlight.
Spaceman (2024)
An astronaut, has been on a space mission for months. He realises that his wife might not be waiting for him once he returns to Earth. In his desperation, he turns for help to a mysterious creature lurking deep in the bowels of his spaceship.

A fateful encounter Jim Cummings and Richard Brake on The Last Stop In Yuma County

In the frame: the 'invisible' photographer Martin Parr on how it feels to be in the spotlight and receive due recognition

Puzzle boxes Star Rosencrans on editing The Dead Thing and A Desert

Looking forward to Berlinale 2025 We anticipate some gems as the festival celebrates its diamond anniversary

Through the lens Moritz Binder on journalism under pressure and September 5

Tilda Swinton receives Golden Bear Star speaks out against 'state-perpetrated and internationally-enabled mass murder'

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