The Aeronauts (2019)
In 1862, daredevil pilot joins up with a meteorologist in a bid to fly higher than any human in history and they find themselves on an adventure.
Albatross (2010)
Coming of age comedy drama, with strong central performances from two fast rising British actresses.
The Brutalist (2024)
When visionary architect László Tóth flees post-war Europe in 1947 to rebuild his legacy and witness the birth of modern America, his life is changed forever by a wealthy client.
Breathe In (2013)
The arrival of an exchange student reawakens a middle aged man's musical ambitions.
Cemetery Junction (2010)
A new job spells change for three friends in the Seventies.
Chéri (2009)
An retired courtesan embarks on a passionate love affair with the son of a former colleague.
Flashbacks Of A Fool (2008)
Hedonistic Hollywood movie star remembers his rites of passage in good old Blighty when Roxy Music was cool.
Hysteria (2011)
The story of the young doctor who invented the vibrator without understanding what it was really for.
The Invisible Woman (2013)
Adaptation of Claire Tomalin’s 1992 biography, which brought Charles Dickens' secret 13-year affair with a young actress to light.
The Last Letter from Your Lover (2021)
A journalist finds a cache of secret love letters from the past and becomes determined to unearth the mystery about a forbidden affair.
Like Crazy (2011)
A British student and an American find their love tested by a long-distance relationship.
The Midnight Sky (2020)
As a catastrophe unfolds on Earth, a dying man crosses the Arctic in an attempt to make contact with a spacecraft which may have found a habitable world elsewhere.
A Monster Calls (2016)
A boy seeks the help of a tree monster to cope with his single mum's terminal illness.
On The Basis Of Sex (2018)
Biopic of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rebels set out to steal the plans for the Empire's deadly Death Star.
SoulBoy (2010)
A coming-of-age tale mixed in with the genesis of Northern Soul.
The Tempest (2010)
Usurped by her brother, Prospera lives in exile with her daughter and faces a power struggle against the monstrous Caliban.
The Theory Of Everything (2014)
A partial biopic of Stephen Hawking, focused on his relationship with his first wife.
True Story (2015)
A disgraced reporter gets involved in a cat and mouse game with an accused killer.

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