Anonymous (2011)
A star-studded British cast graces Roland Emmerich's exploration of the contested authorship of Shakespeare's works.
Anomalisa (2015)
Stop-motion tale of a man who struggles to connect with other people.
Basic Instinct 2 (2006)
Sharon Stone reprises her role as sexy author with possible murderous streak.
Besieged (1998)
An exiled student's relationship with a pianist.
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (2008)
The son of a Nazi officer forges an unlikely frienship.
Divorcing Jack (1998)
Comedy thriller, a newspaper columnist finds himself on the run from the local Northern Ireland hardman.
Eternal Beauty (2019)
A schizophrenic woman finds things change when she embarks on a romance with a failed musician.
Gangster No 1 (2000)
As his former mentor is due for release from jail a gangster considers his life.
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince (2009)
This long-delayed movie about Harry's sixth form year reveals secrets about Lord Voldemort's fractured soul.
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix (2007)
Harry Potter and friends find themselves in trouble as a mysterious stranger seizes power at Hogwarts.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
The teenage wizard has his final showdown with Voldemort.
Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)
Harry returns to Hogwarts to find he is being pursued by the escaped murderer Sirius Black.
Kingdom Of Heaven (2005)
Retelling of the 12th Century battle for Jerusalem.
Legend (2015)
The story of gangsters the Kray twins.
Macbeth (2015)
Prophecy, treachery, murder and their consequences unwind in the Scottish Play.
The Mercy (2018)
The story of Donald Crowhurst, an amateur sailor, who enters a round the world competition in the Sixties in an unfinished boat and decides to fake his journey to save face and impending bankruptcy.
Mr Nice (2010)
Rhys Ifans stars in a crazed biopic of factotum Howard Marks.
The New World (2005)
English nudge out natives, plunder Pocahontas and kick-start some place called America.
The Omen (2006)
The Antichrist rises again to terrify a new generation and bring about the Apocalypse... now
Queen And Country (2014)
An Englishman signs up to fight in the Korean War.
Red 2 (2013)
Frank Moses finds he and his girlfriend on a mission to save the world.
Regression (2015)
A father is accused of a crime he has no memory of committing.
Stonehearst Asylum (2014)
A medical school graduate gets more than he bargained for at a mental institution.
Timeline (2003)
Archaeologists travel back in time to 14th Century France.
War Horse (2011)
A young man signs us to try and stay close to his beloved horse during World War One.
Whatever Happened To Harold Smith? (1999)
A disco fan finds his love life in hot water after his dad discovers he has pyschic powers.
Wonder Woman (2017)
An Amazon princess ventures into the outside world to try and end a war.
The Zero Theorem (2013)
A reclusive computer genius, plagued with existential angst, works on a mysterious project aimed at discovering the meaning of life.

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